Events, Conferences, Etc
None right now. Check back for updates!
February 2021
Volunteer Staff: Conversations & Connections Virtual Conference
August 2020
Attendee: Tarot Writing workshop with Brittany Hailer
August, 2019
Instructor: Chatham University Orientation Mindful Writing Breakout Session (with Melanie DeStefano)
September, 2018
Co-facilitator, Overnight Leadership Retreat, Camp Guyasota (with Emily Fidago).
August, 2018
Instructor: Chatham University Orientation Mindful Writing Breakout Session (with Melanie DeStefano)
March, 2018
AWP Tampa, March 7-11th: Attendee
July, 2017
Summer Community of Writers, July 17-27th: Attendee
September, 2017
Word Circus, September 20th: Featured Reader
Miscellaneous Appearances
NPR’s The Pulse: “Changing the Way We Think About Chronic Pain,” December 2nd, 2022—Personal Story Interview Apperance
The Coffee Time Reviews Podcast, Episode 3, March 14th, 2022—My article “When Reading Becomes a Job” was the featured post this week, read aloud by Eliza Lita
Run the Small World: Staying Motivated, January 29th, 2018—Guest
Run the Small World: First Time Accomplishments, March 31st, 2018—Guest
The Common Scents Podcast: Carrying on a Legacy, February 18th, 2020—Guest