Monthly Highlights: February 2023

It's March, aka Birthday Month for yours truly! February was a busy month, with our move to the new house, but I got plenty of writing done as well. Here are the highlights from what I put out onto the web in February:

  • I started re-watching Sailor Moon and realized that the show is my morning person origin story

  • In response to Age of Empathy's prompt about the returning light, I wrote about winter dog walks and trying to make peace with the cold times.

  • It's been a bit since I wrote about my first boyfriend, but when I saw that The Memoirist was doing a series called "Love Stinks" I couldn't resist revisiting my first-ever Valentine

  • Once upon a time, I went mall walking almost every weekend. I revisited the hobby and reflected on my relationship to malls in this essay, which incidentally was selected for Medium's new "boost" feature.

  • Sailor Jupiter was my favorite Sailor Scout, and in rewatching the series I'm reflecting on why

  • Now that I'm a homeowner, I'm reflecting on what our spaces mean to us and how living somewhere I love is making me a different person (kind of)

  • I asked myself, what do I have to say about Star Wars? Apparently, it was time to write about my early childhood crush on Luke Skywalker.

  • As always, there's plenty of new content up on Your Book Friend, as well--book reviews, bookish lists, and more.

That's all for February's highlights! A very happy My Birthday Month--er, I mean March--to you all.