Monthly Highlights: August 2022

August is a dark time for me as an introvert who works in Student Affairs. Orientation is a lot of sudden socialization after the quiet of summer, and it rolls right into the start of the semester with nary a day to recharge. As much as I love meeting our incoming students and feeling that start of the year energy, I also very much love the first day where I don't have to talk to anyone.

In spite of the business, I managed to keep my writing hat on for at least some of the time, which means we're starting September with another monthly highlights post.

That's about it for this month! Not my most profilic writing month, but I'm really proud of keeping my passion projects afloat while I've been so busy at work. I hope August has treated you well, and thank you as always for being here and supporting my work. I'll see you at the end of September with another highlights post!