Monthly Highlights: June 2022

Yes, it's already mid-July and yes, this post is delayed. June was an incredibly busy work month for me, which meant I didn't have a ton of energy left over for side projects and hobbies. Unless you count complaining about too many meetings as a hobby.

Nevertheless, I did get some writing done in June, which means I'm here to recap the month in words.

I won't neglect to mention that in addition to these essays and articles from June, there's plenty more to check out over on the book blog, if you're here for the book reviews and book news commentary. I'm gearing up for the all hands on deck vibe that is August in student affairs, so I won't promise a July recap will be any more on time. Under promise and over deliver, as they say.

Thank you, as always, for being here and for your interest in my work. If you're feeling so inclined, I always appreciate a coffee tossed my way.