Monthly Highlights: May 2021

Happy June!

May felt like a thaw in more than just the weather, at least for me. The world seemed to start moving again after so much pandemic-related stagnation.

I also made a return to my former life as a book blogger, revamping my old Amanda Reads blog to Your Book Friend. Same vibes, new name.

It’s been another relatively productive writing month for me, so here are a few highlights of what I’ve been up to in the month of May.

  • I posted an April 2021 reading recap over at Your Book Friend, and it became my most popular self-published post on Medium! Check out my mini-reviews for the best books I read last month and add on to that TBR (that's a friend link, just for you, non-Medium friends!) There’s also a hot-off-the-press May 2021 reading recap, as well.

  • I reflected on one of my favorite travel memories for a prompt in World Traveler's Blog inviting us to consider a travel memory in the country where we were born.

  • Your Book Friend launched an exciting new series--What We're Reading Wednesdays! Join us every other Wednesday to chat about our current reads.

  • I wrote about the joy of anticipating my upcoming trip for World Traveler's Blog and about how my anxiety changed the experience of hiking solo for Invisible Illness

  • I also started a Bookstagram account to house all my bookish posts and photos, as well as enjoy connecting with other book people

  • I shared the daily three-card Tarot spread that sparks my creativity

  • So many new book reviews hit Your Book Friend and my favorite bookish publication, Coffee Time Reviews. I had a great reading month and hope June carries forward that momentum!

  • In non-linkable news, I started drafting my first memoir. Cue all the scared, excited sounds!

I hope you had as good a May as possible in this year of 2021, and that your June is off to a good start!

If you’re interested in a weekly update on my writing life, you can follow me on Buy Me A Coffee, where I post weekly updates every Monday.